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Made Easy
with AI

  • Detect anomalies without telling Edge Delta what to look for

  • Get recommendations to resolve issues faster

  • Ingest logs and metrics without going over budget

Super League Gaming.
“Indeed Edge Delta does AI/ML and anomaly detection like no other. I have been a user for long enough to say.”
Shahtab Khandakar
Associate Director, Infrastructure & Platform Engineer, Royal Bank of Canada
“We don’t need a specific observability team working to configure Edge Delta. It’s easy to set up and it just works.”
See Case Study
Bruno da Silva Verch
Cloud Engineer Specialist, Agi
“Edge Delta provided us a view into issues we didn't know were going on. It detected anomalies on its own without us having to specify what it should be looking for.”
See Case Study
Brendten Eickstaedt
CTO, Fama
AI Monitoring & Troubleshooting

Detect and Resolve Issues Faster

  • Spot anomalies without configuring alerts

  • Identify any deviation from expected behavior - before it becomes an incident

  • Receive suggested resolutions for every production issue

Try an Interactive Demo

Want to try Edge Delta for yourself? Go from alert to resolution in our interactive demo.


Log Everything, Investigate Anything

  • Ingest any volume without compromising cost or performance

  • Automatically structure your logs in the OTel schema for easier investigation

  • Locate the data you need without learning another query language

Kubernetes Metrics

Gain Complete Visibility into Your Infrastructure

  • Effortlessly monitor workloads with eBPF instrumentation and pre-built dashboards

  • Eliminate context-switching by capturing your logs and metrics in one place

  • Dramatically reduce costs without worrying about cardinality

Get Up and Running

With Edge Delta, observability works out of the box. Get set up in a flash, end ongoing toil, and gain pre-built views that make monitoring easy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Edge Delta's pricing model?

Pricing should be transparent and predictable. That's why Edge Delta charges $0.20 per GB of ingested logs and metrics. Moreover, we provide several controls to help you reduce costs and avoid paying for data you don't utilize.

Read more about pricing here.

How long can I retain data in Edge Delta?

Edge Delta allows you to retain data for 30 days by default. If you need longer retention, you can do so for $0.03 per GB/month.

What query language does Edge Delta support?

With Edge Delta, there’s no need to learn a complex query language.

Edge Delta Log Search & Analytics supports Common Query Language (CQL). CQL uses semantics that are common for log search use cases.

CQL is easy for an engineer to pick up on the fly. Moreover, we’ve implemented features like Auto-Complete to further shorten the learning curve.