Edge Delta’s integrations make it easy for you to connect your machine data analytics and insights with the tools you already love.
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Edge Delta’s integrations make it easy for you to connect your machine data analytics and insights with the tools you already love.
Store everything, query anything. Forever.
Log Groups for the masses
Data streams are our specialty
If S4 was a thing we would also integrate
Issue Type: Incident, Summary: Nothing Is Working, Priority: Highest
S3 buckets, EC2 instances, Lambda functions, we’re on it
There’s a function for that
Azure VMs, BLOBs, Event Hubs, let’s hook it all up
Serverless is the new serverfull
Domain-agnostic AIOps
A Remedy for your issues
Just an all around great tool
Real-time, best time
Where are you piping your logs?
Scale’s in their name
Content galore
We love a good container, bring on the logs, statistics and events
All-in-one monitoring
Open-source observability for the masses
Open-source collection agents
Compute Engines, Stackdrivers, Pub/Subs we’re ready
The power of the cloud is in your hands
Possibly the most amazing visualizations ever
Not the Marvel one
Roses are red, logs are gray
Guess less and know more
Nobody gets fired storing in IBM
TICK stack enthusiasts welcome
And for today’s topic, we’ll talk about pipelines
Why was S afraid of K?
My precious
/var/log/* made easy
ELK’s best friend
Use all the clouds
Less downtime, more me time
Firewalls, switches, routers…you’ve got them, we take them
Become One with your data
Sending cloud metrics where they want to go
!ic page, plz fix the stuff kthxbai
SNOW incident left behind
@everyone, #everythingisbroken :grimacing:
Store everything, query anything. Forever.
Log dashboards for all
Helping you take the sh out of your IT
UDP 8125, we’re listening…
More Sumo dolls please
UDP, TCP, 514, let’s do it
/dnd in war-room hell
All eyes on Tanzu
For everything else, there’s a webhook for that
If it’s written to a Windows Event channel, we can analyze it
When S3 needs a good friend