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The Logger's Dilemma

May 16, 2023 / 0:39
Logs can be overwhelming. There's just so many to deal with and what happens if one of them has an issue? That's when it helps to have a platform that can easily speed up the troubleshooting process, so you can get back to what really matters.


As a Logger, I have a lot of responsibility to understand what's happening in my applications. I mean, geez, look at all the logs I have to deal with. Event logs, server logs, (dramatic music) system logs, authorization access logs, availability logs, resource logs, threat logs. I got a lot of these things and I'm gonna have more before you know it. But what happens if one of my logs has an issue, then what? That's when it helps to have a platform that can easily speed up the troubleshooting process so I can get back to what really matters, talking about logs. Thanks, Edge Delta.